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Please visit the following links concerning the THRIVE@WORK project and check the specific references related to each module.



Gallup, State of the global workplace 2022 report

Dodge, R., Daly, A., Huyton, J., & Sanders, L. (2012). The challenge of defining well-being. International Journal of Well-being, 2(3), 222-235.  

www.internationaljournalofwell-being.Why Well-being? The Benefits of Well-being,  [online]: 

Capability Trends Report – Workplace Wellness Edition, July 2021, [online] 

Why employee well-being matters, 28.01.2022, [online] 

Center for Desease Control and preventin, Well-Being Concepts, 2018, [online]

Ruggeri, K., Garcia-Garzon, E., Maguire, Á. et al. Well-being is more than happiness and life satisfaction: a multidimensional analysis of 21 countries. Health Qual Life Outcomes 18, 192 (2020), 



Maccagnan, A., Wren-Lewis, S., Brown, H. et al. Well-being and Society: Towards Quantification of the Co-benefits of Well-being.


Soc Indic Res 141, 217–243 (2019)., [online] 


Dr. Thomas, L. What is a Well-Being Society?, [online] , 


Module 1


Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5–14.


Peterson, C., Park, N., & Sweeney, P. J. (2008). Group well‐being: morale from a positive psychology perspective. Applied Psychology, 57, 19-36.


Khoury, B., Lecomte, T., Fortin, G., Masse, M., Therien, P., Bouchard, V., … & Hofmann, S. G. (2013). Mindfulness-based therapy: a comprehensive meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 33(6), 763-771.


Seligman, M. E., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. American psychologist, 60(5), 410.


Module 2

Acerta. (2021). Vier op de tien werknemers vinden dat baas niet genoeg geeft om hun mentaal welzijn.


Arens, L. (2021). Reinventing employee engagement. Dat betekent reinventing leadership.


Begian Federal public service (2022). Psychosocial risks at work.


Campagne om mentaal welzijn op het werk bespreekbaarder te maken. (2021, 22 Nov).


CM. (2021). CM-Informatie: Analyses en standpunten.


Van Hoof, E. (2019). Legislation and practical management of psychosocial risks atwork. Online Document:



Module 3

Active Listening: an Essential Leadership Skill. DrJodie Mind Strength Method.,team%20members%20and%20drives%20engagement.


Angela (2021, December 7). Workplace Wellbeing Programmes: Six Key Success Factors. Superwellness.


Brown, M. E., Treviño, L. K., & Harrison, D. A. (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning perspective for construct development and testing. Organizational behavior and human decision processes, 97(2), 117-134.


Cocchi, R. (2022, June 6). What does a successful wellness program look like? HRMorning.


Coetzer, M. F., Bussin, M. H., & Geldenhuys, M. (2017). Servant leadership and work-related well-being in a construction company. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 43(1), 1-10.


Hunter, P. (2021, April 7). Foundational Leadership Skills that Promote Employee Wellbeing. Verity.


Kalshoven, K., & Boon, C. T. (2012). Ethical leadership, employee well-being, and helping: The moderating role of human resource management. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 11(1), 60.


Kalshoven, K., Den Hartog, D. N., & De Hoogh, A. H. (2011). Ethical leadership at work questionnaire (ELW): Development and validation of a multidimensional measure. The leadership quarterly, 22(1), 51-69.


Kocherbaeva, A., Samaibekova, Z., & Isabaeva, K. (2019, October). Leadership and leaders in successful small and medium enterprises. In 4th International Conference on Social, Business, and Academic Leadership (ICSBAL 2019) (pp. 89-94). Atlantis Press.


Klein, M. (2022, March 10). The importance of open communication in the workplace. Blink.,resolve%20conflicts%2C%20and%20collaborate%20better.


Mirvis, P. H. (1997). Human resource management: Leaders, laggards, and followers. Academy of Management Perspectives, 11(2), 43-56.


Martic, K. (2020). What Is Employee Wellbeing and How to Launch a Wellbeing Program. Haiilo.


Murphy, K. (2018, Dec 20). Leadership Plays Key Role in Effective Workforce Wellness Efforts. Health Payer Intelligence. 


Passey, D. G., Brown, M. C., Hammerback, K., Harris, J. R., & Hannon, P. A. (2018). Managers’ support for employee wellness programs: An integrative review. American Journal of Health Promotion, 32(8), 1789-1799.


Pant, D. (2022, March). TradeSmart CEO on HR’s role in driving SME growth. Retrieved from: .


Peterson, M. (2022). How to Implement a Wellness Program In the Workplace. Limeade.


Runyon, M. (2021, November 18).  How active listening can make you a better leader. The Enterprisers Project.,employees'%20struggles%20and%20avoid%20misunderstandings.


The HR digest (2022). Reflections on the rising conflicts in the workplace. Retrieved from: 


Valencia, C. (2021, October 05). How to Get Employees to (Actually) Participate in Well-Being Programs. Harvard Business Review.

(2020). Employee Well-being and Why Leadership Should Lead by Example. All Things Talent.


Yasar, K. & McLaughlin, E. Leadership skills. TechTarget.



Module 4

Allen, T. D., Eby, L. T., Poteet, M. L., Lentz, E., & Lima, L. (2004). Career benefits associated with mentoring for protégés: A meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 89(1), 127.

Bolton, E. B. (1980). A conceptual analysis of the mentor relationship in the career development of women. Adult Education, 30(4), 195-207.


Brockner, J. (1988). Self-esteem at work: Research, theory, and practice. Lexington Books/DC Heath and Com.

McKeen, C. A., & Burke, R. J. (1989). Mentor relationships in organisations: Issues, strategies and prospects for women. Journal of Management Development.


Campbell, J. D. (1990). Self-esteem and clarity of the self-concept. Journal of personality and social psychology, 59(3), 538.


Chao, G. T., Walz, P., & Gardner, P. D. (1992). Formal and informal mentorships: A comparison on mentoring functions and contrast with nonmentored counterparts. Personnel psychology, 45(3), 619-636.


Collin, A. (1988), "MENTORING", Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 23-27. 


Douglas, C. A., & McCauley, C. D. (1999). Formal developmental relationships: A survey of organizational practices. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 10(3), 203-220


Digman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model. Annual review of psychology, 41(1), 417-440.


Dreher, G. F., & Ash, R. A. (1990). A comparative study of mentoring among men and women in managerial, professional, and technical positions. Journal of applied psychology, 75(5), 539.


Dreher, G. F., & Chargois, J. A. (1998). Gender, mentoring experiences, and salary attainment among graduates of an historically black university. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 53(3), 401-416.


Dreher, G. F., & Cox Jr, T. H. (1996). Race, gender, and opportunity: a study of compensation attainment and the establishment of mentoring relationships. Journal of applied psychology, 81(3), 297.


Eckleberry-Hunt, J., Lick, D., Boura, J., Hunt, R., Balasubramaniam, M., Mulhem, E., & Fisher, C. (2009). An exploratory study of resident burnout and wellness. Academic Medicine, 84(2), 269-277.


Eby, L. T., & Lockwood, A. (2005). Protégés’ and mentors’ reactions to participating in formal mentoring programs: A qualitative investigation. Journal of vocational behavior, 67(3), 441-458.


Fagenson, E. A. (1989). The mentor advantage: perceived career/job experiences of protégés versus non‐protégés. Journal of organizational behavior, 10(4), 309-320.


Farren, C., Dreyfus Gray, J. and Kaye, B. (1984) Mentoring: A boon to career development,Personnel, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 20–24.


Haggard, D. L., Dougherty, T. W., Turban, D. B., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2011). Who is a mentor? A review of evolving definitions and implications for research. Journal of management, 37(1), 280-304.


Hobson, A. J., & Maxwell, B. (2017). Supporting and inhibiting the well‐being of early career secondary school teachers: Extending self‐determination theory. British Educational Research Journal, 43(1), 168-191.


Humphrey, H. J. (2010). Mentoring in academic medicine. ACP Press.


Kaye, B., & Jacobson, B. (1995). Mentoring: A group guide. Training & Development, 49(4), 22-28.


Kram, K. E., & Isabella, L. A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development. Academy of management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.


Kram, K. E., & Bragar, M. C. (1991). Development through mentoring: A strategic approach. In D. Montross & C. Shinkman (Eds.), Career development: Theory and practice (pp. 221-254). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.


Levin, I., & Stokes, J. P. (1989). Dispositional approach to job satisfaction: Role of negative affectivity. Journal of applied psychology, 74(5), 752.


Levinson, D., Darrow, C., Klein, E., Levinson, M., & McKee, B. (1978). Seasons of a man’s life. New York: Knopf.


Murray, M. (2002). Beyond the myths and magic of mentoring: How to facilitate an effective mentoring process. John Wiley & Sons.


Rogers, K. B. (1992). A best-evidence synthesis of research on acceleration options for gifted students. In N. Colangelo, S. G.


Assouline, & D. L. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent development: Proceedings of the 1991 Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace national research symposium on talent development (pp. 406–409). Unionville, NY: Trillium Press. 


Russell, J. E. (1991). Career development interventions in organizations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 38(3), 237-287.


Scandura, T. A., & Williams, E. A. (2001). An investigation of the moderating effects of gender on the relationships between mentorship initiation and protégé perceptions of mentoring functions. Journal of vocational behavior, 59(3), 342-363.


Snyder, M. (1987). Public appearances, Private realities: The psychology of self-monitoring. WH Freeman/Times Books/Henry Holt & Co.


Turban, D. B., & Dougherty, T. W. (1994). Role of protégé personality in receipt of mentoring and career success. Academy of Management journal, 37(3), 688-702.


Vakola, M. & Nikolaou, I., (2019): Organizational Psychology and Behaviour, Rosili Publications: Athens, Greece, 2nd edition 


Watson, D., & Clark, L. A. (1984). Negative affectivity: the disposition to experience aversive emotional states. Psychological bulletin, 96(3), 465.


Zagumny, M. J. (1993). Mentoring as a tool for change: A social learning perspective. Organization Development Journal.


Zey, M. G. (1988). A mentor for all reasons. Personnel Journal.



Module 5


Clear.J. (2018) Atomic habits 


Gilbert. P. (2014). Mindful Compassion 


Kelly. M. (2011) Off Balance Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction 


Siegel, D. (2015) The Developing Mind


Welford. M. (2013) The power of self-compassion: using compassion-focused therapy to end self-criticism and build self-confidence 

Module 6


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Kalliath T, Brough P (2008b) Achieving work-life balance. J Manage Org 14(3):224–226. Google Scholar


Leka, S., Cox, T., & Griffiths, A. (2003). Work Organization & and stress: Systematic problem approaches for employers, managers and trade union representatives. World Health Organization. 


Johnson D, Polusny, MA, Erbes, CR, King, D, King, L, Litz, BT, Schnurr, PP, Friedman, M, Pietrzak, RH, Southwick, SM. Resilience and response to stress: Development and initial validation of the Response to Stressful Experiences Scale (RSES). Journal of Affective Disorders. 2009; (submitted).

Managing stress and building resilience - tips. Mind. (2022, March). Retrieved October 29, 2022, from 


Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2021, October 5). Stress management. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


Michie, S. (2002). Causes and management of stress at work. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59(1). 


Morin, A. (2015, July 29). 5 powerful stress relievers you can do at your desk. Forbes. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


Seppala, E. (2021, March 31). Stress resilience: It's a real thing and you can develop it. Psychology Today. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


Scott, E. (2020, July 1). How to reduce stress with breathing exercises. Verywell Mind. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


Stressors. CESH / CSHS. (2017, August 22). Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


The important role HR plays in reducing workplace stress. JWU College of Professional Studies. (2019, May 30). Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). 7 steps to manage stress and build resilience. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Stress and your health: Medlineplus medical encyclopedia. MedlinePlus. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from,danger%20or%20meet%20a%20deadline. 


Voydanoff, P. (2002). Linkages between the work-family interface and work, family, and individual outcomes. Journal of Family Issues, 23(1), 138–164. 


Wagnild, G. (2022). Five practices for stress resilience. True Resilience Scale. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from 


Wilkie, D. (2020, April 22). What managers can do to ease workplace stress. SHRM. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  


World Health Organization. (2020, October 19). Occupational health: Stress at the workplace. World Health Organization. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from  

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