Learning Platform
Как да планираме стабилна програма за
Очаквано време за обучение
200 минути
Ключови думи:
Благосъстояние, програма за благосъстояние, планиране, повишаване на осведомеността, комуникация, оценка
A well-being programme can be planned in the following 8 steps. For it to succeed, it is essential to get the commitment and ambassadorship from the management, the engagement and ownership of employees, good planning and follow-up of the responsible actor, as well as regular communication and awareness raising.
Understand the strategic visions of the organisation – and define goals for well-being policy.
Clarify who is responsible for employees’ well-being.
Assess the knowledge of the responsible party.
Assess the well-being situation of the organisation and analyse the needs of the employees.
Define the scope of the well-being programme.
Communicate via various channels to raise awareness of workplace well-being and the ongoing programme.
Implement the selected well-being programme.
Evaluation of the well-being programme and action planning for improvement.
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